Poppler for Windows

/ poppler
  • poppler utilities unofficial windows binary
  • relocatable poppler-data directory


Poppler for Windows


Digest Sum
SHA1 6e079f3520397a01d0a4842ea462ab0bd0856b2f
SHA256 200714df62efee04c919226ae4f147158772888bae90205e025fba5c09bcc2d1
MD5 83a583609b35815eb8db8db67e344d33
  • Build Date -- 2020/6/23
  • Build Tools -- CMake on Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019
  • Contains:
    • pdfattach.exe
    • pdfdetach.exe
    • pdffonts.exe
    • pdfimages.exe
    • pdfinfo.exe
    • pdfseparate.exe
    • pdftocairo.exe
    • pdftohtml.exe
    • pdftoppm.exe
    • pdftops.exe
    • pdftotext.exe
    • pdfunite.exe
    • cairo.dll
    • libcurl.dll
    • openjp2.dll
    • share/poppler/poppler-data-4.9.0

CMake configuration (digest)

cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" ^
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="/wd4244 /wd4819 /O2 /MD /GS /EHsc" ^
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/wd4244 /wd4819 /O2 /MD /GS /EHsc" ^
-DFREETYPE_LIBRARY=path-to\freetype-2.10.2\builds\freetype.lib ^
-DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS=path-to\freetype-2.10.2\include ^
-DJPEG_LIBRARY=path-to\libjpeg-turbo-2.0.4\build\jpeg-static.lib ^
-DJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=libjpeg-turbo-2.0.4 ^
-DZLIB_LIBRARY=path-to\zlib-1.2.11\build\zlibstatic.lib ^
-DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=zlib-1.2.11\build;zlib-1.2.11 ^
-DPNG_LIBRARY=path-to\libpng-1.6.37\build\libpng16_static.lib ^
-DPNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR=libpng-1.6.37\build;libpng-1.6.37 ^
-DTIFF_LIBRARY=path-to\tiff-4.1.0\libtiff\libtiff.lib ^
-DTIFF_INCLUDE_DIR=tiff-4.1.0\libtiff ^
-DCAIRO_LIBRARIES=path-to\cairo-1.16.0\src\release\cairo.lib ^
-DCAIRO_INCLUDE_DIRS=path-to\cairo-1.16.0;path-to\cairo-1.16.0\src ^
-DCURL_LIBRARY=path-to\curl-7.70.0\lib\libcurl_imp.lib ^
-DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR=curl-7.70.0\include ^
-DOpenJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=path-to\openjpeg-2.3.1\src\lib\openjp2 ^
-DOpenJPEG_LIBRARY=path-to\openjpeg-2.3.1\bin\openjp2.lib ^
-DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=path-to\boost_1_73_0 ^

Library version

  • cairo-1.16.0
  • libjpeg-turbo-2.0.4
  • libpng-1.6.37
  • tiff-4.1.0
  • zlib-1.2.11
  • curl-7.70.0
  • openjpeg-2.3.1
  • boost_1_73_0


Poppler-datadir is ./share/poppler (relative path from binary).

Without poppler-data.

$ pdfinfo -listenc
Available encodings are:

With poppler-data.

$ pdfinfo -listenc
Available encodings are:

Launching EXE Test

DLLs needed. (Could not pack into .exe files as static library.)

$ pdfattach --help
pdfattach version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdfattach [options] <input-PDF-file> <file-to-attach> <output-PDF-file>
  -replace         : replace embedded file with same name (if it exists)
  -v               : print copyright and version info
  -h               : print usage information
  -help            : print usage information
  --help           : print usage information
  -?               : print usage information

$ pdfdetach
pdfdetach version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdfdetach [options] <PDF-file>
  -list             : list all embedded files
  -save <int>       : save the specified embedded file (file number)
  -savefile <string>: save the specified embedded file (file name)
  -saveall          : save all embedded files
  -o <string>       : file name for the saved embedded file
  -enc <string>     : output text encoding name
  -opw <string>     : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>     : user password (for encrypted files)
  -v                : print copyright and version info
  -h                : print usage information
  -help             : print usage information
  --help            : print usage information
  -?                : print usage information

$ pdffonts
pdffonts version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdffonts [options] <PDF-file>
  -f <int>       : first page to examine
  -l <int>       : last page to examine
  -subst         : show font substitutions
  -opw <string>  : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>  : user password (for encrypted files)
  -v             : print copyright and version info
  -h             : print usage information
  -help          : print usage information
  --help         : print usage information
  -?             : print usage information

$ pdfimages
pdfimages version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdfimages [options] <PDF-file> <image-root>
  -f <int>       : first page to convert
  -l <int>       : last page to convert
  -png           : change the default output format to PNG
  -tiff          : change the default output format to TIFF
  -j             : write JPEG images as JPEG files
  -jp2           : write JPEG2000 images as JP2 files
  -jbig2         : write JBIG2 images as JBIG2 files
  -ccitt         : write CCITT images as CCITT files
  -all           : equivalent to -png -tiff -j -jp2 -jbig2 -ccitt
  -list          : print list of images instead of saving
  -opw <string>  : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>  : user password (for encrypted files)
  -p             : include page numbers in output file names
  -q             : don't print any messages or errors
  -v             : print copyright and version info
  -h             : print usage information
  -help          : print usage information
  --help         : print usage information
  -?             : print usage information

$ pdfinfo
pdfinfo version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdfinfo [options] <PDF-file>
  -f <int>             : first page to convert
  -l <int>             : last page to convert
  -box                 : print the page bounding boxes
  -meta                : print the document metadata (XML)
  -js                  : print all JavaScript in the PDF
  -struct              : print the logical document structure (for tagged files)
  -struct-text         : print text contents along with document structure (for tagged files)
  -isodates            : print the dates in ISO-8601 format
  -rawdates            : print the undecoded date strings directly from the PDF file
  -dests               : print all named destinations in the PDF
  -enc <string>        : output text encoding name
  -listenc             : list available encodings
  -opw <string>        : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>        : user password (for encrypted files)
  -v                   : print copyright and version info
  -h                   : print usage information
  -help                : print usage information
  --help               : print usage information
  -?                   : print usage information

$ pdfseparate
pdfseparate version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdfseparate [options] <PDF-sourcefile> <PDF-pattern-destfile>
  -f <int>       : first page to extract
  -l <int>       : last page to extract
  -v             : print copyright and version info
  -h             : print usage information
  -help          : print usage information
  --help         : print usage information
  -?             : print usage information

$ pdftocairo
pdftocairo version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdftocairo [options] <PDF-file> [<output-file>]
  -png                     : generate a PNG file
  -jpeg                    : generate a JPEG file
  -jpegopt <string>        : jpeg options, with format <opt1>=<val1>[,<optN>=<valN>]*
  -tiff                    : generate a TIFF file
  -tiffcompression <string>: set TIFF compression: none, packbits, jpeg, lzw, deflate
  -ps                      : generate PostScript file
  -eps                     : generate Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
  -pdf                     : generate a PDF file
  -svg                     : generate a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file
  -print                   : print to a Windows printer
  -printdlg                : show Windows print dialog and print
  -printer <string>        : printer name or use default if this option is not specified
  -printopt <string>       : printer options, with format <opt1>=<val1>[,<optN>=<valN>]*
  -setupdlg                : show printer setup dialog before printing
  -f <int>                 : first page to print
  -l <int>                 : last page to print
  -o                       : print only odd pages
  -e                       : print only even pages
  -singlefile              : write only the first page and do not add digits
  -r <fp>                  : resolution, in PPI (default is 150)
  -rx <fp>                 : X resolution, in PPI (default is 150)
  -ry <fp>                 : Y resolution, in PPI (default is 150)
  -scale-to <int>          : scales each page to fit within scale-to*scale-to pixel box
  -scale-to-x <int>        : scales each page horizontally to fit in scale-to-x pixels
  -scale-to-y <int>        : scales each page vertically to fit in scale-to-y pixels
  -x <int>                 : x-coordinate of the crop area top left corner
  -y <int>                 : y-coordinate of the crop area top left corner
  -W <int>                 : width of crop area in pixels (default is 0)
  -H <int>                 : height of crop area in pixels (default is 0)
  -sz <int>                : size of crop square in pixels (sets W and H)
  -cropbox                 : use the crop box rather than media box
  -mono                    : generate a monochrome image file (PNG, JPEG)
  -gray                    : generate a grayscale image file (PNG, JPEG)
  -transp                  : use a transparent background instead of white (PNG)
  -antialias <string>      : set cairo antialias option
  -level2                  : generate Level 2 PostScript (PS, EPS)
  -level3                  : generate Level 3 PostScript (PS, EPS)
  -origpagesizes           : conserve original page sizes (PS, PDF, SVG)
  -paper <string>          : paper size (letter, legal, A4, A3, match)
  -paperw <int>            : paper width, in points
  -paperh <int>            : paper height, in points
  -nocrop                  : don't crop pages to CropBox
  -expand                  : expand pages smaller than the paper size
  -noshrink                : don't shrink pages larger than the paper size
  -nocenter                : don't center pages smaller than the paper size
  -duplex                  : enable duplex printing
  -opw <string>            : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>            : user password (for encrypted files)
  -q                       : don't print any messages or errors
  -v                       : print copyright and version info
  -h                       : print usage information
  -help                    : print usage information
  --help                   : print usage information
  -?                       : print usage information

$ pdftohtml
pdftohtml version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1999-2003 Gueorgui Ovtcharov and Rainer Dorsch
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC

Usage: pdftohtml [options] <PDF-file> [<html-file> <xml-file>]
  -f <int>              : first page to convert
  -l <int>              : last page to convert
  -q                    : don't print any messages or errors
  -h                    : print usage information
  -?                    : print usage information
  -help                 : print usage information
  --help                : print usage information
  -p                    : exchange .pdf links by .html
  -c                    : generate complex document
  -s                    : generate single document that includes all pages
  -i                    : ignore images
  -noframes             : generate no frames
  -stdout               : use standard output
  -zoom <fp>            : zoom the pdf document (default 1.5)
  -xml                  : output for XML post-processing
  -noroundcoord         : do not round coordinates (with XML output only)
  -hidden               : output hidden text
  -nomerge              : do not merge paragraphs
  -enc <string>         : output text encoding name
  -fmt <string>         : image file format for Splash output (png or jpg)
  -v                    : print copyright and version info
  -opw <string>         : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>         : user password (for encrypted files)
  -nodrm                : override document DRM settings
  -wbt <fp>             : word break threshold (default 10 percent)
  -fontfullname         : outputs font full name

$ pdftoppm --help
pdftoppm version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdftoppm [options] [PDF-file [PPM-file-prefix]]
  -f <int>                                 : first page to print
  -l <int>                                 : last page to print
  -o                                       : print only odd pages
  -e                                       : print only even pages
  -singlefile                              : write only the first page and do not add digits
  -scale-dimension-before-rotation         : for rotated pdf, resize dimensions before the rotation
  -r <fp>                                  : resolution, in DPI (default is 150)
  -rx <fp>                                 : X resolution, in DPI (default is 150)
  -ry <fp>                                 : Y resolution, in DPI (default is 150)
  -scale-to <int>                          : scales each page to fit within scale-to*scale-to pixel box
  -scale-to-x <int>                        : scales each page horizontally to fit in scale-to-x pixels
  -scale-to-y <int>                        : scales each page vertically to fit in scale-to-y pixels
  -x <int>                                 : x-coordinate of the crop area top left corner
  -y <int>                                 : y-coordinate of the crop area top left corner
  -W <int>                                 : width of crop area in pixels (default is 0)
  -H <int>                                 : height of crop area in pixels (default is 0)
  -sz <int>                                : size of crop square in pixels (sets W and H)
  -cropbox                                 : use the crop box rather than media box
  -hide-annotations                        : do not show annotations
  -mono                                    : generate a monochrome PBM file
  -gray                                    : generate a grayscale PGM file
  -sep <string>                            : single character separator between name and page number, default -
  -forcenum                                : force page number even if there is only one page
  -png                                     : generate a PNG file
  -jpeg                                    : generate a JPEG file
  -jpegcmyk                                : generate a CMYK JPEG file
  -jpegopt <string>                        : jpeg options, with format <opt1>=<val1>[,<optN>=<valN>]*
  -overprint                               : enable overprint
  -tiff                                    : generate a TIFF file
  -tiffcompression <string>                : set TIFF compression: none, packbits, jpeg, lzw, deflate
  -freetype <string>                       : enable FreeType font rasterizer: yes, no
  -thinlinemode <string>                   : set thin line mode: none, solid, shape. Default: none
  -aa <string>                             : enable font anti-aliasing: yes, no
  -aaVector <string>                       : enable vector anti-aliasing: yes, no
  -opw <string>                            : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>                            : user password (for encrypted files)
  -q                                       : don't print any messages or errors
  -v                                       : print copyright and version info
  -h                                       : print usage information
  -help                                    : print usage information
  --help                                   : print usage information
  -?                                       : print usage information

$ pdftops
pdftops version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdftops [options] <PDF-file> [<PS-file>]
  -f <int>                       : first page to print
  -l <int>                       : last page to print
  -level1                        : generate Level 1 PostScript
  -level1sep                     : generate Level 1 separable PostScript
  -level2                        : generate Level 2 PostScript
  -level2sep                     : generate Level 2 separable PostScript
  -level3                        : generate Level 3 PostScript
  -level3sep                     : generate Level 3 separable PostScript
  -origpagesizes                 : conserve original page sizes
  -eps                           : generate Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
  -form                          : generate a PostScript form
  -opi                           : generate OPI comments
  -r <int>                       : resolution for rasterization, in DPI (default is 300)
  -binary                        : write binary data in Level 1 PostScript
  -noembt1                       : don't embed Type 1 fonts
  -noembtt                       : don't embed TrueType fonts
  -noembcidps                    : don't embed CID PostScript fonts
  -noembcidtt                    : don't embed CID TrueType fonts
  -passfonts                     : don't substitute missing fonts
  -aaRaster <string>             : enable anti-aliasing on rasterization: yes, no
  -optimizecolorspace            : convert gray RGB images to gray color space
  -passlevel1customcolor         : pass custom color in level1sep
  -preload                       : preload images and forms
  -paper <string>                : paper size (letter, legal, A4, A3, match)
  -paperw <int>                  : paper width, in points
  -paperh <int>                  : paper height, in points
  -nocrop                        : don't crop pages to CropBox
  -expand                        : expand pages smaller than the paper size
  -noshrink                      : don't shrink pages larger than the paper size
  -nocenter                      : don't center pages smaller than the paper size
  -duplex                        : enable duplex printing
  -opw <string>                  : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>                  : user password (for encrypted files)
  -overprint                     : enable overprint
  -q                             : don't print any messages or errors
  -v                             : print copyright and version info
  -h                             : print usage information
  -help                          : print usage information
  --help                         : print usage information
  -?                             : print usage information

$ pdftotext
pdftotext version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdftotext [options] <PDF-file> [<text-file>]
  -f <int>             : first page to convert
  -l <int>             : last page to convert
  -r <fp>              : resolution, in DPI (default is 72)
  -x <int>             : x-coordinate of the crop area top left corner
  -y <int>             : y-coordinate of the crop area top left corner
  -W <int>             : width of crop area in pixels (default is 0)
  -H <int>             : height of crop area in pixels (default is 0)
  -layout              : maintain original physical layout
  -fixed <fp>          : assume fixed-pitch (or tabular) text
  -raw                 : keep strings in content stream order
  -nodiag              : discard diagonal text
  -htmlmeta            : generate a simple HTML file, including the meta information
  -enc <string>        : output text encoding name
  -listenc             : list available encodings
  -eol <string>        : output end-of-line convention (unix, dos, or mac)
  -nopgbrk             : don't insert page breaks between pages
  -bbox                : output bounding box for each word and page size to html.  Sets -htmlmeta
  -bbox-layout         : like -bbox but with extra layout bounding box data.  Sets -htmlmeta
  -opw <string>        : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>        : user password (for encrypted files)
  -q                   : don't print any messages or errors
  -v                   : print copyright and version info
  -h                   : print usage information
  -help                : print usage information
  --help               : print usage information
  -?                   : print usage information

$ pdfunite
pdfunite version 0.89.0
Copyright 2005-2020 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdfunite [options] <PDF-sourcefile-1>..<PDF-sourcefile-n> <PDF-destfile>
  -v             : print copyright and version info
  -h             : print usage information
  -help          : print usage information
  --help         : print usage information
  -?             : print usage information